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Who are the Greasers? The Socs and a group of rich kids that are the enemy's of the Greasers. What is Ponyboy not telling Darry before the rumble? Chapter 9 Questions 1. When Pony asks what kind of world it is he means that now that he thought about...
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Why did the Socs attack Ponyboy and Johnny in the park? What happens as a result of the attack? What is Ponyboy feeling and thinking when he and Johnny reach the church on Jay Mountain? What causes Ponyboy to recite the poem to Johnny? What does...
The Outsiders Chapters Questions And Answers
But once the doctor learns they've come, he tells the nurse to let the two boys in. Pony thinks that the look in the doctor's eyes means that Johnny "is dying" 8. Johnny's happy to see them, but it's obviously hurting him to even talk. He qudstions They see Johnny's mother in the hall and she's yelling that she should be able to see her son if she wants to. When she sees Pony and Two-Bit, she screams at them that they're to blame. Two-Bit tells her, "No Answers The Outsiders Although Pony was never fond of Dallas, he feels a bond with him now, knowing Dallas was glad he hadn't killed him.
The Outsiders Questions And Answers
Trying to act nonchalant about it, Dally asks how Johnny's doing. Pony says that Johnny doesn't look the outsiders chapter questions and answers well at all. Dallas asks Two-Bit for his switch-blade, chpater Two-Bit gives it to him. Dally hides it under his pillow. He plans to get out of the hospital in time for tonight's rumble, which he wants to win. He wants revenge for what's happened to Johnny. Pony doesn't feel well and Two-Bit notices. But Pony asks him not to tell Darry, because Darry will make him miss the rumble. The Outsiders - Chapters 8 - 10 She also tells them that Randy's tired of fighting and that he won't be there. Cherry asks them about Johnny. Pony asks her if she'll come and visit Johnny, but she says she can't. She knows Bob asked for it but she loves him, so she can't bring herself to look at his killer. Pony gets mad and tells her he no longer wants her to see Johnny. She's a traitor to both Socs and Greasers.
The Outsiders Questions
He says, "Don't you ever feel sorry for us. Don't you outsidrs try to give us handouts and then feel all high and mighty about it" 8. She says she wasn't trying to give handouts, just to help him in whatever way she can. Pony brightens up and the outsiders chapter questions and answers her if the view of the sunset from the West Side is nice. She says it is. Pony says it's nice on the East Side, too. She thanks him, smiling as she cries, and then Pony walks home. These are only a few questions we got asked in class about the outsiders book - we haven't got through it all yet :pOutsiders Question for Chapter 1 - What do you think Ponyboy means when he says, "I lie to myself all the time"? Outsiders Chapter 2 Question: What do you think is meant by the following quote; "You wanna know something" She looked me straight in the eye. Outsiders Chapter 3 Question: Reread the last line of chapter three.
The Outsiders Worksheets
The Outsiders Questions And Answers How does the author's use of foreshadowing at the the outsiders chapter questions and answers of the chapter affect you as a reader? Use text evidence and your own ideas to support your answer. Why are the events in chapter 4 ironic? What do you think the poem is saying? Cahpter might this apply to the characters in the novel? Outsiders Chapter 6 - Using your image of what a hero is to you, do the three boys prove themselves to be heros, according to your definition? Outsiders Chapter 7 - Compare the upbringing between Bob and Johnny. Outsiders Chapter 8 - How does the author portray different ideas of family in the story? Outsiders Chapter 9 - How outsivers you think Johnny's last words might influence Ponyboy in the future?
The Outsiders Chapter 6 Questions And Answers Quizlet
Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Why might this memory be important? Word of the Day --Set One --Term 3 -- 7th grade. Johnny looked up from his banana split, Who? Get an answer for 'Summarize Chapters 7, 8, and 9 in the book The Outsiders. Perhaps it's showing the possibility that Johnny might not actually make it. When Randy was telling Ponyboy about people never saying no to Bob. The Outsiders Chapter 6. View This Storyboard as a Slide Show! The reporters and police interview Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry in the hospital waiting room. When he kills Bob, Johnny loses the look of a wild animal caught in a trap and instead he "looked as cool as Darry ever had. Sign Post 10 Sign post 5 Ch. Chapter 4 contains one of the novel's primary climaxes, the decisive turning point to which many of the preceding chapters' foreshadowing alludes. Summary: Chapter 7 [G]reasers will still be greasers and Socs will still be Socs. The Outsiders: Chapters Outsiders Quotes by Person Chap Annie Miss Hannigan Lines.
The Outsiders Chapter 7 Comprehension Questions
Memory Moment. Chapter 4 1. See Important Quotations Explained. Created by. I think this was the most important. Terms in this set 12 Contrasts and Contradictions. Sign In. How are things "rough all over" in Chapter 7 of The Outsiders? This storyboard was created with StoryboardThat. Outsiders signposts chapter 7 Storyboard by savannafrank - Memory Moment When Ponyboy was remembering waking up and some from the gang was sleeping on the couch Why might this memory be important This memory might be important because Ponyboy is remembering the good times of waking up and a friend would be laying on the couch because of their door always being open The Outsiders … Displaying The Outsiders Chapter 6. Maybe he and other socs don't wanna fight cause they are sick and tired of it. Why is the character doing that? Create your own! The Outsiders by S. Signposts The Outsiders. For a second I didn't know where I was. Contrasts and Contradictions. Since the Signposts could be analyzed and interpreted a variety of ways, this could be a good starting point, and talking points for you as the teacher to use as a model.
The Outsiders Lesson Plans For Teachers
It's always fun to read S. Chapter 7 signpost for the Outsiders. Want a Coke? He has had enough and tells his brothers to realize that instead of working against each other, they should be working together. He thinks it's unfair for Ponyboy to have to hide away with him. Chapter 8, pg. After reading chapter 3, complete the chart below.
Sodapop Curtis, Chapter 12, p. In Chapter 7 of the novel The Outsiders… Dreams have been an element in earlier chapters, and it was in Chapter 3 that a daydream about a perfect life in the country turned into sleep that in turn began the nightmare with Johnny. When Ponyboy was remembering waking up and some from the gang was sleeping on the couch. Plot Summary. The novel tells the story of Ponyboy Curtis and his struggles with right and wrong in a society in which he believes that he is an outsider. Again and Again - The characters in the book keep saying if Johnny recover.
The Outsiders Essay Questions | GradeSaver
The memory might be important because Ponyboy could never remember what the nightmare was about when he was little. Aha moment - When Ponyboy was talking with the Randy the soc he realized what Cheery meant. Ponyboy will think differently about … Storyboard Text. This memory might be important because Ponyboy is remembering the good times of waking up and a friend would be laying on the couch because of their door always being open. How might this change things. This … After they chat a little bit about the church and the country, Johnny announces that they are turning themselves in. It can't hurt now. Storyboard Text. When Ponyboy was remembering the nightmares he had when he was little and that it happened after their parents funeral. Here is what I found. Like What You See? That good At first, the nurses won't let the boys see Johnny, but then a doctor tells them, "Let them go in. He's been asking for them. Can you help me find some of the signpost from chapter 6 of the outsiders novel please?
The Outsiders Chapter 5 7 Questions And Answers
He's doing that because Randy wants Ponyboy to know about why Bob was the way that he was. In both Chapters 4 and 5, Pony wishes that everything that happened was a dream: "I half convinced myself that I had dreamed everything that had happened the night before. The Outsiders Chapter 8. Why does this keep showing up again again? This is an "answer key" to Signposts found in Chapters Acces PDF Outsiders Comprehension Answer Key Chapter 7 Outsiders Comprehension Answer Key Chapter 7 If you ally need such a referred outsiders comprehension answer key chapter 7 book that will allow you worth, acquire the utterly best seller from us currently from several preferred authors.
Book Quiz: The Outsiders
Summarize Chapters 7, 8, and 9 in the book The Outsiders. By killing Bob, Johnny takes control of his life in the only way that he thinks is possible. Contrast and Contradiction - Randy starts telling Ponyboy how he doesn't want to fight in the big Soc vs Greasers battle. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Outsiders and what it means. Yet this Soc girl is actually helping the Greasers, spying on her own Soc friends. Sodapop jokes with the reporters and hospital staff, keeping the mood light with his antics. They jump them just for fun. Stop, Notice, and Note.
The Outsiders Chapter 3
What does Cherry tell Ponyboy about the Socs? They feel "too violently". Till I met Cherry Valance. Have you ever had a relationship with someone who you understood, or who understood you, without having to say anything? Ponyboy says, "You don't yell at him! As they walk, Cherry and Ponyboy talk about the differences between Socs and Greasers, and how it goes beyond money. Then Darry opened the door and calle Pony back but he didn't come back. The man asks Ponyboy if he is okay and tells Analysis: Chapters At the end of the chapter, how does the author foreshadow that bad things are to come? Cherry and Ponyboy have something in common, even thought they came from different backgrounds. Our library is the biggest of these that have literally hundreds of thousands of different products represented. Outsiders Characters Chapter Question and Answers Who are the Socs? Ponyboy's parents died in a car accident 8 months prior to the present time he is talking about.
Daily, Caroline / Outsiders Chapter Questions
If Darry didn't have Soda and Pony, why would he be a Soc? Paraphrase why Darry seems like such an angry person. Johnny and Ponyboy ran away because Darry slapped Ponyboy and it aggravated Ponyboy. Book credit goes to the Author, S. Answer may vary. Ponyboy tells Johnny what happened at home. I did not think that this would work, my best friend showed me this website, and it does! However, Ponyboy doesn't tell Cherry about the part where his brother cried. The students who got in trouble were being very ornery with the principal about their punishments. What does Cherry explain as the difference between the socs and the greasers? Johnny says, "I can't take much more," speaking Ponyboy's thoughts exactly. Ponyboy feels stupid because he knows he has it good compared to the home Johnny lives in, where his parents beat him up. Who are the Socs and the Greasers?
The Outsiders Essay Questions
When and how did Pony's parents die? Vocabulary - Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter and write one paragraph that uses all 4 words correctly: keeping distance from people because of shyness. I hope I never see him again, or I will. Johnny comes to live with Ponyboy's family in the county, and Ponyboy's mother even convinces Dally Winston that "there was some good in the world after all. She thought it would be embarrassing to talk to a greaser in school. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? Here you will also find the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your research paper well-formatted and your essay highly evaluated. Explain the reference to the watching the sunset.
The Outsiders Lesson Plans For Teachers |
Keep reading, we are almost done. Questions of College Day. The Outsiders Chapter Quotes 1. Why is Randy scared? Take this quiz to see how well you understand The Outsiders. Still apprehensive about the rumble, Pony questions everyone's … Created by. Hinton's The Outsiders: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. Questions are matching and questions are multiple-choice. Lunch Bunch Information. SOL on May Bob, in his sophomore year. Homework Assignments. This one act causes a series of events which leads to the deaths of two more people. Warm up. Johnny has two final words for Ponyboy. Pre-K3: Mrs. Choose from different sets of the outsiders vocabulary chapter 11 flashcards on Quizlet.
The Outsiders Quiz 1
The Outsiders: Ch. He was just like all the rest of the Socs. Ponyboy leaves something for Johnny. Career Day. I hope you are It is your completely own get older to put-on reviewing habit. The eleventh chapter of The Outsiders, read by Mr. The day has come for Darry and Soda to go before the judge. This app comes with 1 free quiz containing 52 questions Quiz 1.
The Outsiders Quizzes | Literature
The Test expects students to answer questions about chs. Do you remember the whats and the whys of this chapter… R. S Tutorial. This quiz requires you to log in. Randy, who was at the fight the day bob got killed. Westward Expansion Pics Mastery. Pony is confined to bed for a week, still recuperating and trying to remember and understand the events of the past few days. Take our free The Outsiders quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test your knowledge.
[FREE] The Outsiders Chapter 8-10 Questions And Answers | Free!
Directions: Click on the correct answer. Hinton Chapters 11 - 12 Summary and Analysis Pony slams down five aspirins while no one is looking; he is still successfully hiding his illness. What bothered Ponyboy about his school friends coming to see him? Figurative Language Pretest Cold-blooded mean. This online … 13 terms. Terms in this set 10 Who does pony boy finds in the yearbook. Hinton tells the story of year-old Ponyboy Curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a … In this Unit Collection of the classic novel The Outsiders by S. This free study guide is stuffed with the juicy details and important facts you need to know. The Outsiders Quiz Chapter 1 4 dejavuserifb font size 11 format Getting the books the outsiders quiz chapter 1 4 now is not type of inspiring means. This is why you remain in the best website to look the amazing books to have. All of the questions here are about Chapters 10 AND This is an enormously easy means to specifically get guide by on-line.
Exams 2021, Tests & Answers
Find out what happens in our Chapter 11 summary for The Outsiders by S. As this the outsiders quiz chapter 1, it ends up monster one of the favored books the outsiders quiz chapter 1 collections that we have. Homework: Read! Is Randy Ponyboy's friend? In The Outsiders, S. Grading Policy. February What we are learning and loving. When Randy comes to visit, Ponyboy says that he was the one who killed Bob, and that Johnny is not dead. Chapter 11 of The Outsiders is largely about the fallout from Bob's death, including its effects on many of the novel's characters. The reader has depended upon Ponyboy's … , and chs.
In Chapter 1 Of The Outsiders, Why Do Pony Boy And Soda Pop Need To Stay Out Of Trouble?
You could not single-handedly going taking into consideration ebook buildup or library or borrowing from your connections to gain access to them. Charakteranalysen CliffsNotes. The Outsiders by S. Hinton Chapter 1 The Outsiders by S. Whom does Johnny idolize and look to as a … The Outsiders study guide contains a biography of author S. Hinton, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. They had pity on him, and he didn't want that. The Outsiders Test 1. Take the Quiz: The Outsiders - Chapters 10 and Take the free quiz now! Because he is … Charakteranalysen TheBestNotes.
The Outsiders Chapter 3 Questions And Answers
The outsiders chapter December- What we are learning and loving. Hinton's novel The Outsiders. January- What we are learning and loving. This is America: Childish Gambino. Dallas makes a decision. The Outsiders: Comprehension Check, Chapters Comedy Script - TW Read Book Crosswords For The Outsiders Chapters 11 Crosswords For The Outsiders Chapters 11 If you ally compulsion such a referred crosswords for the outsiders chapters 11 book that will have the funds for you worth, get the definitely best seller from us currently from several preferred authors.
The Outsiders Chapter 1 And 5 : Trivia Quiz
He repeats it aloud to convince himself of it. Good Luck and tell me what you think! But, as narrator, he says, "Johnny didn't have anything to do with Bob's getting killed. Take the Quiz… Learn the outsiders vocabulary chapter 11 with free interactive flashcards. They only have the code of the greasers to guide them, but their world falls apart after their friend, Johnny, kills a Socs. Grades: 8 th, 9 th, 10 th, 11 … in the course of guides you could enjoy now is the outsiders chapter 7 and 8 quiz below. Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. SOL 8. Analysen Shmoop.
The Outsiders Chapter 11 Quiz
There download also contains an original PDF version of the quiz as well. Death Penalty. Themen Shmoop. By rlke Click the Build Printable button to create the review quiz. Darry b. Johnny c. Ponyboy d. The Curtis brother 2. In what decade does The Outsiders take place? The Outsiders By S. Posted on Jan Get free homework help on S.
The Outsiders Questions And Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver
On the surface, Bob and Dally couldn't be more different. However, the two boys are linked together by the phrase, "Next time you want a broad, pick up your own kind. He wants the Greasers to know their place in society, and to stay away from Soc girls. Later, in Chapter 6, Dally echoes Bob's words when he explains that Cherry is acting as a spy for the Greasers, adding: "Man, next time I want a broad I'll pick up my own kind. Both boys are victims of the violence between the Socs and the Greasers, and die before the story is over. They both have violent tendencies, look for fights, and end up losing their lives because of it; more important, both draw ideological lines in the sand.
Daily, Caroline / Outsiders Chapter Questions
Johnny feels hero-worship toward Dally, and thinks of him as the most gallant of all the gang. Dally wants to protect Johnny and keep him from turning out the way he himself has. As they drive back to the church in Chapter 5, he explains, "You get hardened in jail. I don't want that to happen to you. Like it happened to me Ponyboy realizes that "Johnny was the only thing Dally loved. And now Johnny was gone. At the beginning of the novel, Ponyboy resents Darry for being too strict and always bothering him for not using his head. He recognizes the sacrifices that Darry has made to raise his two little brothers, but still thinks Darry just doesn't care for him at all. But in Chapter 5, when Soda and Darry come to the hospital, Ponyboy has a revelation. He sees his oldest brother cry for the first time in years - he didn't even cry at their parents' funeral - and realizes that "Darry did care about me, maybe as much as he cared about Soda, and because he cared he was trying too hard to make something of me.
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